IV Congresso Brasileiro de Eficiência Energética - COBEE 2011, Juiz de Fora (Brasil). 28-31 agosto 2011
This paper presents a new methodology to improve efficiency in the power transmission from the monitoring of the leakage current using the Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) method. To apply the method was necessary to monitor environmental conditions and electrical parameters of the TL. From these data was designed a mathematical model using the harmonic decomposition of the leakage current, allows the detection and diagnosis of incipient faults, making it more efficient transport of energy.
Palabras clave: transmission lines, leakage current, harmonic decomposition, outages, power delivery energy.
Fecha de publicación: 2011-08-28.
P.R. Silva, M.M.L.C. Negrão, P. Júnior, W. Barra Junior, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, Nova metodologia para melhoria na eficiência da transmissão de energia, IV Congresso Brasileiro de Eficiência Energética - COBEE 2011, Juiz de Fora (Brasil). 28-31 agosto 2011.